Category: Dynamics 365/CRM

Icon packs to match D365 CE UCI entities

Icon packs to match D365 CE UCI entities on

There are ton more on which you can pick from. Modify the SVG to be a shade of #999999 to get a good match on color, and pick from lineal designs aren’t too concentrated.

Filed under: Blog, Dynamics 365/CRM

Send data from WordPress (and other PHP sites) to Dynamics CRM/CE

On of the easiest ways to capture data from WordPress and other PHP based sites and send it to Dynamics CRM/365CE has to be the PHP Toolkit created by AlexaCRM. They have two tools available for use for free.

  1. PHP Toolkit
  2. WordPress Plugin

    WordPress Plugin for Dynamics CRM

    If you have a WordPress site, connecting to Dynamics CRM/D365CE is a 10-minute exercise. Install the WordPress plugin on your site, create a form in Dynamics with a distinct name, add a page in WordPress and put the following shortcode snippet in the code editor.

    Unexpected error: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Authentication failed: AADSTS7000215: Invalid client secret provided. Ensure the secret being sent in the request is the client secret value, not the client secret ID, for a secret added to app 'db75707e-ae4f-49aa-bc64-3306f4a65382'. Trace ID: b43c89a6-f5e4-4724-8aad-4c0313526b01 Correlation ID: cba0e9c3-fdec-4133-a49b-2fc77aedc170 Timestamp: 2024-07-27 07:01:10Z") in "template_b04d9354c3b12a2bacb8b36ae5ef9855510e5525".

    In the code above, replace the “Contact Card” with the name of your form in CRM. That’s it!

    Other PHP based sites

    If you have any other PHP based site like Joomla or Drupal, you can use the PHP Toolkit to connect Dynamics CRM/365CE to your site. Put the toolkit libraries into a libraries folder and you can call them from any page since it’s PHP. AlexaCRM has made examples available on their GitHub page.

    Filed under: Blog, Dynamics 365/CRM, Tools